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5 min read
Accessing Past Life Memories for Healing
The soul, the spirit, your true self, call it what you will; each of us carries within a timeless essence a portion of us that is eternal...
4 min read
How To Reprogram Your Fear Based Response Exercise
Did you read the Soulworks Facebook post about fear yesterday? If not, here it is... 'Fear is an interloper. It pretends to be our friend...
3 min read
You Deserve To Shine - The Time Is NOW
Everyone deals with pain and anger in their own way. There is no right or wrong. You are a master piece evolving and changing with the...
2 min read
3 Useful Mindfulness Exercises
Mindfulness has been defined as a moment-to-moment awareness of one's experience without judgment. This means being present in the...
3 min read
The Key Ingredient To Start Your Healing Journey
One of the key elements that a client needs to bring into a counselling or Reiki session is the need to accept their 'humanness', to...
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