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How To Reprogram Your Fear Based Response Exercise

Did you read the Soulworks Facebook post about fear yesterday? If not, here it is...

'Fear is an interloper. It pretends to be our friend, but it plays a highly destructive role in most lives, inhibiting and preventing us from reaching our full potential. Of course, fear has a healthy biological function, which is to keep us safe. It stops us from sticking our hand into a fire or walking in front of fast-moving traffic. The problem is that for many of us, it has ceased to be a tool we use to help assess real risk and has instead taken control.

Fear often comes disguised as common sense. It focuses on the future, what could happen, or what could go wrong. When we try to make changes or move outside our comfort zone, fear pipes up with advice like, 'what if that doesn't work' or 'what if you're not good enough'. It tells us if we just live a little smaller, we'll be a little safer down the track. 🤔

This is just an illusion...🤨 it's like sitting in a rocking chair, giving you constant motion but getting nowhere. Fear robs us of our sleep, our perspective and self-belief.

The problem is allowing fear to govern our lives doesn't work. We can't control the uncontrollable, no matter how hard we try. Remember, what we focus on grows. The more we focus on possible negative outcomes, the more fearful we become and ironically, the more likely they are to happen.'

Now that we understand fear a little better and what it can do to you, the following is an exercise to replace your fear-based response system by creating a new map for your life. Give it a try, and let me know your thoughts.

  1. Find a sheet of paper and pen.

  2. Centre yourself by taking a least five deep breaths in and out.

  3. Scan your mind for situations in which you have a lot of fear. It could be that you're scared of public speaking, or saying no to family, friends for example.

  4. Jot each one down in a circle around the central word 'fear' so that you create a mind map of what your life looks like when it's governed by fear.

  5. Add in any feelings that those situations evoke, for example, anxiety, hopelessness, indecisiveness, etc.

How does all that look? Not pleasant... that's ok. Now, we're going to look at upgrading your response system.

  1. Use coloured pencils or pens, turn the page over and write the word 'trust' in the middle.

  2. Ask yourself, how would my life look if l wasn't afraid? How would l feel? What would l do differently? Jot down keywords about how each situation would be transformed if you weren't afraid. Really get honest! Visualise what you're life would look like ~ make those visions more vivid and accurate than the lies fear has given you. Enjoy them.

  3. Write down words that sum up how your life looks without fear: free, big, adventurous, safe, bold, happy, courageous, joyful. Enjoy these feelings.

Congratulations! You've just mapped out a new direction for your life. The map marked 'trust' is how your life will become. Look at it each morning to set your direction for the day and give your subconscious a goal to aim for. If you want to supercharge your trust circle, write down affirmations that you can say daily to bring your visualisations alive in your heart. If you get stuck on what affirmations to write, jump onto Google. There are a ton of them available.

Carmela Pollock is based in Mornington, Victoria, where she operates a successful private practice offering dynamic, holistic services, including individual counselling, group workshops, Reiki training and healing, past life regression, and mindfulness practices. She brings heart energy to every service, assisting clients in discovering their blueprint by guiding them to explore their inner world, dismantle unhelpful patterns, and build a new, values-based foundation. She inspires clients to reach higher and find self-inspiration, supporting them until they confidently walk their journey alone.

If you want to know more about Carmela's services, visit her website.


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